New Feedback Email System
To encourage readers to send feedback to authors, storiesonline provides an easy to use form at the end of every story and an email contact link in every author's page as well as a feedback link at the end of every blog entry. In order to encourage those who are reluctant to disclose their email address to still send feedback, the mailing system provided allows for anonymous messages. The system works very well and storiesonline, according to many authors, is the source of the most feedback received; which is very good for authors. However, like every system, it is possible to abuse it. Hiding behind the afforded anonymity, some cowardly people abuse authors by sending them abusive messages through the anonymous system. To deal with the problem, the mail system has been updated to allow authors to refuse all mail, or to refuse just anonymous email. When an author chooses to refuse all email, the site won't show any mail forms or links. When an author choose to refuse anonymous ...